Dear Friends,
Our project has come to its final stages! Our app is nearly complete, but we want your help to make the beautiful print edition a a reality! All you have to do is pre-order a copy! The Kickstarter Campaign has all the specific details, but here’s a summary.
We’ve been working diligently for the past few months on creating an app and guidebook covering southern Ontario’s best crags – The Swamp, Devil’s Glen, Metcalfe, Old Baldy, Mount Nemo, Lion’s Head, White Bluff, and TV Tower. We’ve been fairly open about the project, though news kind of leaked out last week when we made a call out to sponsors.
Regardless, we’re pushing ahead with our Kickstarter campaign showing you the team, and a detailed preview of the guidebook. The guidebook is full of awesome photos, topos, area drawings, GPS coordinates, and is detailed and accurate. In fact, because the fall was so mild, we were able to get information as recent as December 2015!
If this project gets the green light, we’ll be very open about the process, and you’ll get updates and we’ll request feedback as this community-created app and guidebook rapidly come to life!
If you love Ontario rock climbing, then please pledge your support on Kickstarter, like us on Facebook, and pre-order a copy!
The Ontario Rock Climbing Team