UPDATE: Due to noise issues, Turtle Wall is currently closed.
We’re pleased to announce that in addition to our partnerships with 27Crags and Vertical Life, we’ve also teamed up with Sloper Climbing! We were introduced to Sloper Climbing through Canadian crusher Sonnie Trotter. They’re a great Canadian team based out of Calgary, and have been working on a fantastic app. We welcome you to try it out by downloading the app and you’ll get our Turtle area topo for Mount Nemo for free!
Right now, the app is in a beta mode, but eventually (and understandably) they have to switch to a paid model. However, if you sign up onto our email list, we’ll get the Sloper team to put you on the safe list to keep the topo free for longer (and maybe indefinitely, but we’re still figuring things out!) We don’t know how long we’ll keep this promotion up, so don’t put it off!
If you’re on our old email list, you may have to re-subscribe as we switched to a new email system today (2018-June-04).
Please consider supporting me on Patreon as writing guidebooks isn’t easy.
The Turtle Area is an easier climbing area on private property with the landowner actually living on the property within a visible distance. The landowner has agreed to allow climbing there, which means that access is very sensitive and the area could be closed at any time due to one person’s bad behaviour. Because of the sensitive nature of access, the developers and those who negotiated access request that these rules be followed:
– Climbers must wear helmets. Loose rock is common.
– Keep a low profile and avoid shouting
– Stick clip every route, no matter how heroic of a climber you may be
– Keep your hammocks, Bluetooth speakers, joints, and beer at home
– Avoid pooping at the wall and the surrounding forest below the cliff. If you need to go, head back to the ladder and use it to get to the top of the cliff. Find a spot at the climber’s left.
– Climb in small groups, preferably less than four people
– It’s best if you keep dogs at home, especially barking ones
– If it’s too busy, climb elsewhere. Your paid fee or membership is good for Kelso, Rattlesnake, Buffalo Crag, and the main part of Mount Nemo.
– Stay on the trail as you approach. Do not cut through the forested area to get to the wall. Hike right up to the cliff where the ladder is, and walk along the cliff of the base.
Thanks to Gerry Banning, Mike Sheehan, Dave Smart, Reg Smart, and Gus Alexandropoulos for developing the area.
Some of you have also been following my travel vlog (thanks!) – here’s a video I made dancing around the world that I thought you might enjoy.